Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Big Girl

As of her two-month check-up yesterday, Maisie is 13 pounds, 7 ounces (between the 90th and 95th %), and is 24.5 inches long (95th %).  The doctor pronounced her just perfect and commented especially on her pretty skin. 

For her part, Miss Maisie knows that she is a big girl.  Her head control is great, and if you're holding her, she would really like to sit straight up, please, thank you very much.  

She has continued to sleep for six-hour stretches at night but last night slept for just over seven!  I think that was in part because of her two-month vaccinations, though.  I'm not necessarily expecting a repeat tonight.

I think for a two-month-old she's quite an entertaining conversationalist.  She babbles and coos a LOT.  Because neither Jake nor I are exactly shy or quiet, we were expecting this.  My mom is just dying for her to be a talker like I was so I can see what it's like.  I talked so much (and so loudly) when I was little that my parents were scared I would disrupt my own baptism.  Mama said that if they had another child, she would not say a word to that child until it was at least three years old. 


Unknown said...

I love that picture! And just one comment about talking a lot.....I don't think Emelie could have possibly talked more than Jacob. I nicknamed him 'Mr. Information'!

Katie Bug said...

Abigail had her 16 month well visit today (one month past due). She weighed a mere 19 lbs. (5th percentile). It's amazing how different each baby is! Your little one is beautiful.

Susan Wessinger

Anonymous said...

I just know everyone had such a good time when youall were in SC. I love the recent pictures, too. Maisie is really accomplished baby if she's sleeping so well at 8 weeks and is holding her head up! She's well ahead of most of her peers but, of course, she does have some good weight on her!

So glad everything seems to be going well. Would still love to see her "in person" some day. Know you and Jake are such good parents.

Anne Carol