Friday, August 8, 2008

Miss Jackson is Still Waiting to Come Out

The Olympics are here, and Clay Aiken's insemination baby is here, but MJ is not here yet, at least not on the outside.  I'm getting increasingly cranky, which is really very whiny of me considering that her official due date is still two days away.  

I'm getting a prenatal massage and another manicure today, which should help the impatience. Yesterday I had an awesome long lunch with an old friend (my freshman year of college roommate -- thanks, Facebook!), did some grocery shopping, folded lots of clothes,  bought myself some more cute postnatal pajamas, and drank two cups of midwife-recommended raspberry red leaf tea (which is not helping anything so far, but it can't really hurt, either). 

Additionally, I'm scheduled to be induced on the evening of Sunday, August 17, if MJ doesn't appear before then.  August 18 is my parents' 35th wedding anniversary and my cousin Sam's fifth birthday, so maybe she wants to wait until then to fit in with the rest of the family.  At this point, though, I am going to suggest that if she wants to be born on anyone's anniversary, Jake and I are celebrating five years tomorrow and it sure would be nice of her to come on out and celebrate with us.


Julie said...

Happy Anniversary!

Kevin and Bonnie said...

here i was so nervous yesterday (friday) cause i thought that was the due date! i was at six flags (don't ask) and i didn't take my phone and realized too late that i needed it in case i got "the call' from mom! phew! sorry for you but glad for me i didn't miss it! happy anniversary!!! wow 5 years ago! that was such a fun wedding!

Emily said...

Happy Anniversary!

So is she here yet? :) Dying to know!

(So glad little Sammy is okay too.)