Tuesday, September 23, 2008

At Home With Maisie

Last week marked my first week at home with Maisie by myself.  For two of her first four weeks, Jake was home, and either my mother or my mother-in-law were here for the other two weeks. Last Monday Maisie and I went at it alone, and it's been wonderful so far. 

I've tried to go somewhere with her every day.  The first two days, that meant that I was able to make it halfway down the block with her just in time to meet Jacob as he came home from work at the end of the day. The third day I managed to make it all the way to Eastern Market to get a lemonade at 6 p.m.  Last Thursday, we turned a corner and made it to the pediatrician on time and in one piece in the middle of the afternoon, and even went to the grocery store afterward -- no small victory.  I still don't know where the day goes (and how it goes so quickly), but I am starting to feel fairly capable and we have been getting out more and more.  Powe and Nora came over one day, Maisie and I met a neighbor with six-month-old twins who will hopefully be our new friends, I can successfully navigate Target with a car seat and a shopping cart, and we will probably attend our first official playgroup tomorrow.  We are busy and having fun.  

Two main reasons we're able to have so much fun already even though Maisie is only five weeks old:  (1) She is a good sleeper, and (2) Jake is a HUGE help.  HUGE.  He gives her a bottle just before he goes to work so I can sleep a little more, and that makes all the difference in the world (plus he does lots of other things to help out).  He and Maisie stayed at home Saturday afternoon watching the Notre Dame game and I went out by myself (to Old Navy, for some much-needed non-maternity clothes) -- I missed Maisie terribly while I was gone, but I was grateful for the break (and the non-maternity clothes).  (Incidentally, Saturday morning, Maisie and I went to a baby shower.  I was feeling quite smug because Maisie and I were both dressed up, I even had makeup on, I was running only a tiny bit behind schedule -- then I realized, as I was almost at the shower, that I had forgotten the shower gift.  Awesome!)

What else?  Well, really, Maisie just keeps getting more and more fun.  She smiles at us now and has just started reaching for things (usually her stuffed elephant), and she already weighs 11 1/2 pounds -- the size of the average three-month-old!  We are going home to South Carolina in two weeks to meet Maisie's extended family and I am so excited for them to get to see her in person.  Rest assured that there will pictures.  


Hannah said...

I'm glad y'all are doing so well!

Jennifer said...

Is she a redhead? I *love* her hair. Are you cloth diapering and how is that going?

Kevin and Bonnie said...

so when can you make it to indiana!? ha! congrats on getting back to shopping!! you are a pro! keep the pictures comin'!

Julie said...

That first picture, with her hair sticking up and her laying against the dog, is priceless!

susanne said...

More pictures please.

Head Lima Bean said...

super cute!