Sunday, September 7, 2008

Three Weeks Old!

All is well in Maisie's house.  So far Miss Maisie is a sweet and easy baby -- but I say so far because I know things can change -- and in the words of Michael Scott, I'm not superstitious but I'm a little bit stitious -- so no jinxes and a big knock on wood for that.  So far, though, she fusses when she has a reason to fuss and sleeps and eats well.  

This week my mom left on Wednesday (yes, I cried) but her leaving was eased because my mother-in-law arrived that same day to help through Friday.  While my mom and my mother-in-law were here, we ventured out with Maisie to the pediatrician twice, to Target twice, to Barnes and Noble once, and to dinner once, and Maisie behaved beautifully on all of those occasions. 

This baby thing has proven to be very fun in other ways, too -- we have had lots of company (which has been wonderful, and we have appreciated all of our friends who have come to visit!) and we've been so lucky to have people bring/send us so much good food! We have had so much good food that Jake and I are officially spoiled.  Maisie is getting spoiled, too, because she gets fun packages in the mail just about every day.  (Note to self:  must forgo nap next time Maisie naps and get caught up on thank you notes again.  Note to you:  your thank you note is coming, I promise.  Thank you!)  

We had Maisie's  second pediatrician appointment this week, and Jake's mom and I guessed that Maisie would weigh 9 lbs., 12 oz this time.  (She was 9 lbs., 4 oz. at birth, and 9 lbs., 8 oz. at her first doctor's appointment.)  Well, we were wrong.  She is already 10 lbs., 5 oz. -- a big, healthy girl.  Happy birthday, Maisie!


Brent said...

Maisie looks simply adorable! Congrats to parents who have every reason to be SOOOO proud!

Hannah said...

I think she also looks smarter than the average newborn. So cute.

Kevin and Bonnie said...

i'm so glad you posted more pictures for those of us who can't come visit yet!!! she is beautiful!!

Jennifer said...

She's so sweet and beautiful!

The Comers said...

trust me. thank you notes can wait. sleep when your beautiful maisie sleeps. :)