You can tell Miss Jackson and I (23 weeks along) are now considerably larger than we were in the 20 week portrait when I started this blog.
Elizabeth also commented that apparently I now talk in my sleep -- a LOT, and loudly, and distinctly, and cracked myself up to boot. This is, as far as I can tell, a pregnancy symptom, as Jake has also informed me recently that I have started waking him up at night, talking spiritedly. I have occasionally talked in my sleep before (I had a funny conversation with my mother in high school when I was asleep once), but I guess now it's a full-blown thing? So weird. And poor Jake -- like I don't talk enough when I am awake!
Love the new blog!
Hi, I am excited for you and Miss Jackson. I wish y'all a very healthy pregnancy, healthy Miss Jackson, and a speedy delivery.
So excited to read your blog. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well. I love that you call the baby Miss Jackson- hysterical!
Excited to find your new blog. Now we all have a place to come and talk baby stuff/pop culture. Get ready...you will soon be an expert on The Girls Next Door. Because it is about the only thing on tv at 4am. :)
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