Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Miss Jackson Went to New York

As you might have gathered from my last post, I was in NYC this past weekend visiting with my friend Caroline, who lives there, and meeting up with my friend Elizabeth, who was in town for the weekend to catch some Broadway shows.  Here we are on a random street in front of a random sign advertising for a psychic. No, we did not visit the psychic.  No need for that. 
You can tell Miss Jackson and I (23 weeks along) are now considerably larger than we were in the 20 week portrait when I started this blog.  

Elizabeth also commented that apparently I now talk in my sleep -- a LOT, and loudly, and distinctly, and cracked myself up to boot.  This is, as far as I can tell, a pregnancy symptom, as Jake has also informed me recently that I have started waking him up at night, talking spiritedly.  I have occasionally talked in my sleep before (I had a funny conversation with my mother in high school when I was asleep once), but I guess now it's a full-blown thing?    So weird.  And poor Jake -- like I don't talk enough when I am awake!


Jennifer said...

Love the new blog!

Ariail said...

Hi, I am excited for you and Miss Jackson. I wish y'all a very healthy pregnancy, healthy Miss Jackson, and a speedy delivery.

Caroline said...

So excited to read your blog. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well. I love that you call the baby Miss Jackson- hysterical!

Catherine said...

Excited to find your new blog. Now we all have a place to come and talk baby stuff/pop culture. Get ready...you will soon be an expert on The Girls Next Door. Because it is about the only thing on tv at 4am. :)